Originally Posted by mwilli
Is this magical re-flashing of the transmission something that is covered by warranty or something I will need to lay down some $$$ for?
I really wouldn't call it magical, nor do I know if there's a TSB for the Z. This happened to some of the first FX's that came off the lot. Even after it, I still feel the slight "drag/lag" when slowing down like Ant talked about. If someone has records of the Z's TSBs, let mwilli know, but as far as I can tell, it will still "drag" mildly when slowing down. It seems to be part of the 7-speed design. It won't hurt the car. Mwilli, I'll sum it up by saying that there's a good chance there wasn't a TSB in the Z. I think it was fixed by the time the car was released. It's just a quirk.
If there's not a TSB on the Z, it's the way the transmission is. You won't make any progress by bringing it in IF there's no TSB.