i think tonight we got a few answers..... it seems MIB and christian are not one in the same we also found out the that infected/claimed are indeed the MIB's resurected minion.
also jack is probably going to be "the" canidate... also got some clarification from last week.. kate's name was missing from the cave but it was on the lighthouse wheel as #51 and wasnt marked out.... so she is a candidate.... also got to see how jacob has been watching the candidates their whole lives..
everyone was going crazy saying who is 108 ?... well if you freeze frame its wallace... and is already crossed out.... its probably not important.. i think jacob was lying to hurley about someone coming to the island... he was all to get jack to the lighthouse knowing jack would see his own # and look into the mirror this will give jack the purpose he needs to do something later in the show( im guessing sacraficing himself to save the island and his friends)
not sure what to say about his flash sideways.... i guess it gives some closure to his daddy issues by him not repeating the same ways with shocker..........his SON!
to me it seems like the flashes are just Epilogues to the story of lost.. the whole scar thing made you gasp at first because we all know juliet removed his appendix on the island... but i mean his moms not going to lie about him getting it out when he was 7 years old in this universe... but the fact that he noticed it in another deja vu way is interesting.... so far it seems only him and kate are semi aware of the other universe..( could it be something to do with them being the adam and eve skeletons and not rose and benard.... doubt its but possible i guess)
Last edited by MC; 02-24-2010 at 12:29 AM.