While it takes some balls to own up to your own mistake (well, besides blaming it partially on a friend), you had to expect a little bit of flames from the self-righteous, perfect drivers on these boards. You know, the ones that have never sped, over-accelerated, under-steered, or made any other mistake behind the wheel of a performance car.
Hope the car is ok, and you avoid whatever mistakes you made in the future. Poor Nismo!
I learned my lesson the easy way with VDC. Went through a series of twists and turns without my VDC on (had NO idea exactly what it was going to do, and was thinking it would increase my accelerating capabilities). I almost lost control around a corner, but was able to countersteer and slow down a bit. I got off with just a little sweat on my forehead and a crappy feeling in the pit of my stomach. VDC has been left on to this day!
"Any man who can drive a 370z while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the Z the attention it deserves." Albert Einstein....modified.