Originally Posted by SMcK23
Hey guys, I am not from San Deigo, but I recently found out I will be moving there for a job! Well, actually I was told San Diego and found out that it is El Centro, CA! I grew up in NY and my fiance and I have never lived anywhere else. However, this is a great job and we are going to make the move. I did some research and El Centro doesn't seem like a great place to live and San Diego seems like way too far of a commute (90-120 miles)! So my reason for posting this is, I really know nothing about the area and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me to live and I could commute?
Whoa man, El Centro is going to be quite a change of pace for you coming from New York. It's sort of the boon docks to be honest. Me and my friends used to go out there to off-road, camp, and shoot things (inanimate!). It's not a bad area at least in terms of crime (although you're definitely bound to see your fare share of illegals trying to sneak through) it's just kind of how should I say, void of things and people...
Look into Julian. It's a quaint mountain town sort of in the middle of El Centro and SD. I have really fond memories of it as my parents used to own a cabin there. There's some beautiful land there and it's not nearly as desolate as El Centro is. Anyway good luck and feel free to hit me with any other questions you have!