Pwah, you'll be fine. Another tip: dont act depressed if it doesnt seem to be going as well as expected. I learned THAT one from my dad, ironically, years ago. We were on vacation, he met some woman he was interested in, and when she shot him down he started to give the guilt trip on her. She eventually got so sick of it, she blocked his instant messenger name...I rofled.
In other news, I sent a belated valentines day gift to the woman Im interested in. I finally got her address, and she dropped the hint that she really wished she had some chocolates, so, why not. Of course, with valentines day chocolates comes a valentines day card, but I decided to cut it in half, so when she gets back she can read the rest of it. Naturally, THAT half has the mushy stuff, but the 1st enough to whet the appetite and hopefully keep her interested. We'll see, I'll find out if it was good enough in a week or so Im sure.
I don't own a car anymore.