Depressed Clutch Noise/Vibration
I recently started noticing a weird vibrating sensation, as well as weird clicking sound when the clutch is depressed(Pedal pushed in). I have about 3,000 miles on the car. This happens when I start up the car and in neutral. If I give it a rev over 2k rpm, the sound/sensation goes away. I am not sure if this is normal or not, since I seem to be having the exactly opposite issue as most. I did some searches, and most of the posts are in regards to chatter with the clutch (which should go away when the clutch is depressed). Of course, these symptoms only happen when the car is on, so I do not think it is the pedal itself. Sorry if I am explaining it wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Cars owned: DC2/AP1/NA2/FG2/Z33/Z34/R35