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Old 02-19-2010, 08:16 PM   #6 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Originally Posted by Red370 View Post
A friend steered me over there today, and they even have their own 370Z sub section, which is cool, but just from reading a few posts, im shocked at how much slander goes on about our cars, so much misinformation, and cockfighting. Some of the stuff i've read litterally made me throw up in my mouth. See for yourselves... Oh, check the one that someone posted of my drag race, apparently a 350HR is faster...

Seems like more fanboyism rather than Z enthusiasts with unbiased opinions

2009+ 370Z - MY350Z.COM Forums
Most car forums are like this. Seriously. While you get some blinders here, the community is pretty level-headed (for a car forum :V). If you really want to rage, go on over to Camaro5 and search for anything that is not (North :V :V :V :V) American made. There really isn't enough facepalm in the entire world.
nuTinmuch! -- Platinum Graphite 370Z -- Check out my Gallery thread here!
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