it depends on if you believe the MIB.. i thnk there are some truths in there but i think his motives are false... it seems that everyone we saw touched ( except kate) is a canidate for protector of the island. and jacob and been luring them there their whole lives.. this also explains why their lives are differnt before they changed things in 1977.. jacobs influence is compeltely removed from their lives... thats why the plane crashed thats why they were told they shouldnt have left and so on... i think the canidate thing is real because Llana is not on MIB's side and she brought it up last season.. and he said the island isnt special...well it obviously is... ya know with the whole time travel donkey wheel , healing powers and.. well a smoke monster..... but im hoping we will hear jacobs side next week... the whole revelation that MIB was a human at some point and lost someone he loved i think is true too but im not 100% that he doesnt want to kill the remaining canidates ( i guess so there would be no need for this "game" anymore maybe) and he is using sawyer.. much like he used ben.. i mean we saw him scoping out a drunk broken sawyer in smoke form before he approached him
the 3 main questions i have after this episode are..
#1if jacob has been luring all those names to the island... then why did he touch hurley and sayid AFTER the crash in 2004... and for that matter why did he touch Kate if she isnt one of the numbers....... ( i would guess it implies that jacob might have influenced things in other ways besides just touching them for example is possible he was responsible for the winning lottery ticket that now we know are his numbers)
#2 is obvious.... who the **** is that kid.... top answers being discussed are young ghost jacob ( thats possible to me) Aaron ( i think thats a stretch) and my theory that he was a manifestation of the island itself possibly using someone from MIB's past to convey the message about the rules and not killing sawyer
and #3 why cant MIB shift forms anymore....( per what Llana told ben) in my opinon is has to be because jacob is dead... because we saw him change into alex to trick ben only a few episodes ago and if he is indeed christian he changed into him when sun and lapidus were at the barracks.... so it cant be just because he changed into locke...
oh and i think i found a mistake in the show... remember the sonagram of claires baby dates 10-22-2004 that implied the new timeline 815 laned exactly 1 month later.... well if thats so why would randy and helen both refer to lockes wedding as being in october ( future tense) and speaking of the wedding who thinks jack will fix his back by then and he will walk at it just like jacks wife did at theirs.... and i bet boone will save the wedding catering problem ( helens phone convo) remember he runs a wedding catering service for his mom
but yeah all in all one of the best episodes of lost in a while...
the part with ben as the teacher was cool.. i think we will see some classic scenes with him and locke now off island..... and one little intereting side note point was... locke was a biology he is literally a man of science in this world.. ( remember when richard visited locke as a teen and said he had alot or potential in science)
Last edited by MC; 02-17-2010 at 05:01 PM.