Pulled a P0011 code and went through the possible issues. It did get low on oil for a short time, which I am still trying to figure out as the engine does not leak, I have never seen blow by in exhaust, and I had an oil change ~3K miles ago. Engine has ~77K miles. Based on the following, I am leaning to phasers.....
- Engine starts up fine and runs smooth.
- Cleared codes
-P0011 pops up as pending code within a minute or so and engine wont rev over 3500K RPM after that
-When P0011 triggers CEL engine wont rev over 2500RPM
I have done the following:
- Oil Pressure Check
-Idle@180F: 15PSI, 2K@180F: 58PSI
-Idle is on the low side but still in spec
-No pressure bounce. Stable at idle pressure and smoothly increases with RPM
- Oil change (Mobile1 with Mobile1 filter)
-Repeated oil pressure checks and they are identical
- Checked bank 1 VVT solenoid
-Applied 12V and can hear it activate
- Checked camshaft and intake timing signals
-Leveraged info from FSM and THIS POST
I do see all the signals, so the sensors are working, however, I do not see the timing relationship indicated in the post and FSM.
CH1 (Yellow) Bank 1 intake CAM phaser
CH2 (Purple) Bank 2 intake CAM phaser
Ch3 (Blue) Crankshaft sensor
FSM Entry:
Cold Engine: Full sequence
Warm Engine: Full sequence (longer pulses due to lower idle speed, but no relational timing change to cold engine)
Zoom in on first pulse: Timing of B1 with respect to crank (~9.0ms delay, should be 0?)
Zoom in on first pulse: Timing of B2 with respect to crank (~6.0ms delay, should be 0?)
Zoom in on first pulse: Timing of B1 with respect to B2 (~3.0ms delay, should be 0?)
There are defiantly differences in the sensor timing and the FSM. Its odd that I am only getting a P0011 and not P0021 or other codes....
I am using needle insulation piercing taps to probe these signals at the ECU connectors. I still have it all connected up so if there are any other captures you think may be useful, I can get them easily!