Originally Posted by OptionZero
If i'm reading you correctly, you're saying the normal OSG 1.5 way clutch type won't lock at low speed situations?
but this Dualcore version will, due to its gear type engagement on acceleration?
No, it locks all the time. That's what I saw at the Tail of the Dragon. Now, If you have 900whp you can have the 1.5way tuned by OS Giken in the states. I had my last diff tuned by them for 900whp. It is only $150 to have it done. It is tuned in California. Why did I have it tuned? Because my old 3.69 OS Giken diff would one wheel peal on me in the right conditions. The only downside is the OS Giken diff fluid won't help the LSD shuffle under tight turns. You got to give to get sometimes.