FWIW, the Scangauge is a pretty handy tool. I and all my serious car buddies run this. It doesn't datalog, but for real time it can't be beat. I have a gauge to measure acceleration and G-forces I bought for $30, but honestly never use it. The Scangauge is a Must have though, especially for information junkies.. I typically keep Water temps, Intake temps, and long and short fuel trims up all the time.
TPS: Throttle position sensor 0-100%
fIA: Intake Air Temps (Temperatures at the intake manifold)
fWT: Coolant water temperature
HPR: Horsepower (Looks to be pretty accurate from initial runs on several cars)
VLT: System Voltage
IGT: Ignition timing (advance)
LOD: % Power request
Closed/Open loop: Fuel management and transition point from O2 control to WOT
STF: Short term Fuel trims (Idle % on Block 32)
LTF: Long term Fuel trims (Partial throttle on Block 32)
OX1: #1 O2 sensor output, 0-100
OX2: #2 O2 sensor output, 0-100
MPH: Digital speed reading from Speed sensor
RPM: Digital RPM’s
MPG: Miles per gallon
GPH: Gallons per hour
Trip Data: Fuel economy, Fuel used, Distance, drive time, Avg. speed,
Distance/time/fuel to empty, ETC.
Scan Tool: Code reader and eraser, Readiness test, Turn off CEL’s