So Saturday decide to install my PLM longtube headers, along with some maintenance items.
Jacked the car up on all 4 tires with jackstand and to be on the safe side I put retaining wall pavers under the wheels for extra safety along with 2 jacks for triple safety
Removal of passenger side:
For the passenger side super easy and simple to do. My only issue I had was when removing the heat shield I couldn't get one of the bottom heat shield bolt off, but I was able to bend it out of the way lol. Once I did that all I needed was a 14mm socket on a long flex head rachet and I had it out with 45min. Disconnected the 02 sensors, Then crawled underneat and removed the 3 test pipe bolts and was able to remove it all in one shot.
Driver side: this one is not for the faith of hearts and a lot of patients. Which was being tested on my end
Driverside is totally manageable tho! But it is a pain
This one took me about in total 4hrs to remove of that. Really tight area to work with, Especially you have ac lines/and coolant pipes in the the way. So just have to be patient. Again your fighting the heat shield bolts off and you won't be able to take it completely off. So what I did was take the bolts off and just moved it out of my way as I was taking the exhaust bolts off. With a short 14mm rachet and a small extension and a flex head 1/2 drive long handle racheting I was able to get all the bolts off slowly. Now you need to pull the driver's wheel off to take the steering shaft couple off the steering rack to get better clearance ( still tight tho). On this side you'll need to take off your cat or test pipes. This side you can't take it out in one shot. With the test pipe or cat removed and the steering shaft out of the way, you'll be able to kind snake and wiggle the manifold out. This took me roughly 15min wasn't terrible.
Passenger side LTH install
This was actually pretty easy, goes right in, had it bolted with in 45min. Will say cylinder 6 bottom you need to use a 14mm stubby and Taking your time and done
Driver side LTH install
Going in is actually not bad at all 4 out of the 6 bolts are easy to access with a 14mm short with short extension and 1/2 long flex head handle rachet. Cylinder 6 bolt you'll need to reach from the bottom with a racheting wrench. Cylinder 4 bottom because the pipe are fatter I was able to get a socket in their. That stubby open end does wonder.
Overall good days work with tons of patients.
Anyone need help or advice pm me I'll do the best I can
I don't have any sounds clips just yet because I'm doing maintenance to the car

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