I am afraid I am all too familiar with this. Somebody did something similar to my wife back in June of 2020. She has had false reports written on her, she had over $300,000 dollars of property stollen from her, she has been charged with a crime and put in jail, and we even had someone come to our house late one Friday night to do us harm. I caught the person before it went south and ran them off unknown to me at the time of who he was. We have gotten most of this taken care of except for the theft. The other stuff was dismissed. I have spent over $50,000 dollars in legal fees so far and we are not done yet. We are both tired, pissed off, and are still enduring an emotional rollercoaster. We both are not willing to give up and want to see it through to make sure justice is served. It's been hell the last 4 years.
Last edited by Spooler; 03-19-2024 at 09:26 PM.