Yesterday finally had some time to work on the car so I installed the differential back in the car. Before installing it, as I had the broken breather tube, I fixed it with JB Weld. I was skeptical if the fix was OK or not, but then I figured out there's a simple test I can do to check....
I blew into the breather hose and it built up the pressure inside the diff. When I removed my mouth, it blew all the air out again. I then removed the oil filler cap on the diff, covered it with my finger and I again blew into the breather tube. Again built up the pressure but this time removed the finger - and it relieved the pressure immediately. So - the breather tube is still very much operable, nothing is blocked and I believe this should be OK.
Completely unrelated - my battery died - AGAIN. I changed it exactly 1 year ago, and the car has been sitting for the last 4 months - what the heck? I will go to the shop tomorrow and ask for warranty to cover it, I can't imagine this being normal.