Originally Posted by OptionZero
If i had to do it again i would certainly just get the cups and the minimum from them, and find my own compressor and tank
The Nismo braces and such are a slight packaging constraint but I did get it the compressor toward the middle of the car, and the tank is exposed above the tank for looks
dual tank/compressor might allow even better packaging
At first, I had my tank and compressor mounted in the hatch visible for all to see... but to me, it looked terrible with everything out in the open like that, the compressor was ridiculously loud, and worst case it becomes a projectile in the event of an accident.
Next, it was mounted just behind the hatch strut bar, with the top of the tank exposed and the compressor mounted next to it in the same area. Since the V1 Nismos don't have that body brace the V2s have, I had a bit more space to work with than you. Another benefit was the compressor was much quieter
Currently, it's mounted to the rear of the car using the legs on the tank, and the compressor is mounted to the tank using Accuair mounts. Much easier to service (except if I need to take out the tank, I have to take off the bumper to access the mounting screws) and again, it was a lot quieter since there were so many layers it sat under. Everything is hidden on this one.
I saw a guy on FB mounted both his tank and compressor UNDER the hatch, above the exhausts, and am considering doing that in the future. It would be pretty well shielded from the elements since its right above where my diffuser sits.
Originally Posted by Matt9500
OptionZero thank you for the tips. I got the two cup kit with no tank. I have ran the power and air lines and was planning on putting my compressor next to the factory amp. You have mentioned that your compressor was in the trunk I’m going to assume underneath the trunk mats? The way I’ve got my compressor set up my compressor head will be touching the bottom of the trunk mats.Do you think the compressor will get hot enough to cause a problem? Once again, I appreciate all the information and tips that you have given me.
The compressor gets hot naturally just due to how it operates but unless you have an issue where it doesn't shut off (like a bad relay or pressure switch, or a leak to where the pressure switch doesn't hit the cutoff psi), you shouldn't have any issues.