Originally Posted by boomboom
I have zero skills when it comes to this stuff  i dont even own a hammer! any advice on making the cats an easier job?
its alright man u need basic tools for the install jus pick up a tool box set from craftsmen....

itll probably be like a hundred some.... and the best part u can use it for future projects.... for making the cats an easier job.... i suggest making friends with someone with a lift

honestly its pretty easy to do it EXCEPT... the one bolt thats on both cats on the top... its hard because u will need a freaking long extension and the only way to get to it is through the top portion of the motor... the other two bolts on both cats that hold them are fairly easy to crack loose.... i suggest using pb blaster to break the bolts loose

but other than that its completely doable.... and if u find a lift? installing the cat back will be a walk in the park

i installed my catback by myself with no lift.... took me 2.5 hours