Originally Posted by JNews86
To be fair if alcohol is legal then so should weed. Alcohol is way worse. Federal regulation on weed is just another way to restrict your 2a rights.
It's a balancing act. There are times when regulation is a necessary evil. Freedom of will does not equate to freedom of consequences.
I personally have never done drugs not because I'm a "goody-two-shoes", but it just doesn't interest me. Same with alcohol. I will have a beer on a very rare occasion, but Red Bull Zero and water are my go-to's.
I don't agree with legalizing weed nor "medical" purposes of it, and I think the min. age should be raised at the very least. I was 21 once and though I didn't do drugs, I did some stupid sh!t and made dumb decisions. Imagine if you mix drugs/booze with immaturity in an already degenerate society with each new generation becoming more and more dysfunctional.