Originally Posted by JNews86
Isn't it great how anything liberals try to boycott actually does better?
That’s just it. There was no call for a “boycott”. No “canceling”. A bunch of their customers decided to spend their money elsewhere. That’s it!
That’s the main difference between Conservatives and Liberals.
Conservatives don’t like something, they don’t buy it and move on.
Liberals don’t like something, NO ONE is allowed to buy it and it must be destroyed.
I have to admit though that the funniest part of the Bud Light saga was when they tried (way too late) to win back their core customers, they pissed off the <1% of the people they were trying to win over.
So now everybody hates them!

That campaign and that woke marketing director will go down in history as what NOT to do…. Piss off your loyal customers to chase rainbows. Go woke, go broke!
Signed: A Fratty, out of touch beer drinker.