Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
Didn't think my posts and opinions would create such traction lol. You do you and I'll do me.
But be careful, there are those here that will take these posts as political and report. Still wondering who among us that is.
DaveZ03, be sure to send a blank check my way and I will gladly take on the ocean mapping project. Someone has to do it.
So you can't be arsed to be at least that decent to tell me - what YOUR take on this whole thing is? I mean, you plant the **** seed, insinuate that something else is going on, but you can't actually follow through and elaborate? I'm disappointed man. Do explain, because like I said - I'm genuinely interested in what's going on in your head, because I think you're the perfect "normal" dude here, who might be able to fill in the gap between myself, and someone who is a conspiracy theorist. So I wonder, who's in between, what do average people think - what *actually* happened there?