Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
1st Bolded Statement: Because while I understand (and respect) your POV, it doesn't mean that I necessarily agree with it. I respect you as a person, but we can have differing opinions. This dialogue in itself could be considered [forum] "politics" lol, and which was why I asked for them ("the owners") to further clarify this broad term. As I mentioned in a previous post, it's one thing to try to force one's beliefs onto someone else, but expressing them diplomatically and civilly is simply having a conversation. FWIW, if you look through my posts, you won't find me lashing out at any members for not agreeing with me. You may find posts of me not being so welcoming to spring breakers/snow birds as a general group, but that's another topic.
It was more a statement in response to ignoring the statements I made. Discussion points arguing the validity/semantics of the policy are completely irrelevant to the basic underlying concept I was referring to which is the owner of the forum is allowed to make up whatever rules they want. Sure you can ask all those questions, but the answers aren't going to change the policy. Politics could be whatever interpretation they want to enforce. The broader the interpretation, the easier it is to shut things down quickly when they get dumb. I never even brought up my opinions on the validity of the policy because they don't matter.
And believe me, I was never trying to insinuate that you are causing trouble. I appreciate your ability to have a valid conversation regardless of the topic.
Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
2nd Bolded Statement: I agree with you on this. BUT, given that this is an off-topic thread, people share their views/opinions on a variety of topics. I also agree with you on certain topics going south because someone gets butthurt and bent out of shape about what was said, but that's not the topic's fault. It's that person/people not knowing how to control their temper tantrum. I actually had a member attempt to make me look dumb because I asked a question about the new Z’s have the CSC on the outside or inside of the tranny when this member apparently mis-read/interpreted what I asked. I politely told said member to go pound salt and to carefully read my post, and that was the end of it.
My point is a car forum is not expected to be a place to get political information. So you can't be upset at the operator for banning political discussions. I still don't understand this strong desire to discuss political topics on a car forum. Sure, there are people on this forum whose opinions I respect and take into consideration when I make my own opinions. And I would be happy to have many conversations with them. But I didn't come to this forum for their political expertise. I came here for car knowledge and I happened to find other people who, come to find out, are knowledgeable about a lot more than just cars.
Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
3rd Bolded Statement: Again, agree with you here. Regardless of topic, having a civil conversation is a powerful medium, but again, it’s not the topic that causes the issue, but rather people not knowing how to control and carry themselves.
Which, again, is why I completely understand the rule banning politics on this forum. Head off those dumb discussions before they get started. The world is not missing out because this forum doesn't allow political discussions. Have you employed people before? Sometimes it does not behoove you to give others the benefit of the doubt, especially when you are responsible for their actions and have to put in too much energy correcting their behavior when things go south. If I were running the forum I can tell you my mindset would be that the trouble caused from political discussions getting out of hand is nowhere near worth the positive discussions that could be had.
Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
4th Bolded Statement: Umm….what?
You heard me. I'm just trying to make sure everyone realizes how serious I am about all this. I.e. not at all