Originally Posted by Trips
Hey Guys,
While I understand that we may have the need to discuss politics this is not the place for it. Firstly it’s a Car Forum even if it’s posted in the off topic section rules are rules NO POLITICS.
I want to give you guys the respect you deserve and wanted to remind everyone of the NO POLITICS on the forum per AK’s Rules. I’m not going to be giving any further warnings. I’m going to be forced to take some unpleasant actions members continuing to bring political discussion or anything else that’s not allowed on here You as veteran OG members should know better. Keep it to chit chat discussions car related if possible and not turn into members attacking members I’m asking one last time keep it civil and respectful. Thank You and for the record no one brought me in here. I do still look after things so don’t think it’s a free for all. Have a good Memorial weekend!!
Could the "no politics" rule be further clarified? What is/isn't allowed?
For example, are we not allowed to talk about the debt ceiling or the Fed. Reserve increasing the rates? Both of these topics do have a relationship to car purchases.