Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
Fair enough.
At my brokerage office, I am the team lead and have 4 other loan officers underneath me, and there are about 7 other teams at my branch. I see the way the other team leads treat their subordinates, and a common theme seems to be treating them with respect has higher loan production/volume numbers. At the same token, I do coach them privately if needed. As a team lead, we get a % of all the loans that are closed within the team, but there was a time when 1 particular loan officer just had a horrible month. I refused the rip % and gave him encouragement and saying let's do better next month. That was about a year ago and each month since, he's been carrying the entire team. 1 particular team lead is basically absent when needed and/or belittles his team if something goes wrong - guess where their numbers are at?
And likewise, I only saw the 30-second click that was posted and was going off of that footage.
Ahh, remember she’s talking about peons who physically build furniture if I’m not mistaken. Your job/example is of higher skilled higher educated higher responsibilities middle management type jobs.
Here we’re in agreement, I totally am with you and your response to the one employee struggling example. That was the right way to handle it and it’s exactly how I’d have done it.
Also, assuming she is berating middle management, she’s still not wrong bc we’re not talking about one guy falling down and needing a bit of an attaboy pick me up/mentoring.
We’re talking about the entire management team bitching about carrots when the $$ targets aren’t being hit. You have to know when to lay the smack down on your people to snap them out of their pity party so they refocus. She’s right either way imo.