Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY
There's nothing to find out. Even if his accusations were true (they're are not) the statue of limitations ran out years ago. And don't get me started on the fact that even if true, this is a federal crime. He has no jurisdiction on this at all. People and companies pay people for their silence all he time. Its perfectly legal.
The indictment is laughable. It's nothing more than the same accounting error multiplied 34 times. A misdemeanor at best. Tubby the clown should be laughed out of court. A pre law intern wouldn't even write that tripe.
This is nothing but a pure political hit job that opened Pandoras box for his political party. The current pResident and his grifter family has been on the Communist Chinese payroll for years. Where are the indictments?
And the reason you should be concerned is because if these Marxists can do this to a former President, what makes you think they won't do it to you?
Seriously, Banana Republics are laughing at this Country. 
Like I said, guess we're gonna see.