Originally Posted by NecioVato
I think you summed it up so well. Remember when FB was about reconnecting with lost friends from HS and just connecting and what not - then it became an ‘echo chamber’ where ‘my beliefs trump your beliefs - and it become an we vs THEM’. All I can say is it had good intentions but in the end - it kinda ruined itself. At least that is how I interpreted your social media response. Haha
That and the internet as a whole. It was around 1996 when my parents got AOL for the first time, but before then, if I wanted any type of information, I had to make a trip to the library and research it old-school.
One of the major issues is related to the convenience of mass-relaying of information and promoting the wrong sh!t at lightning speeds through the internet/social media. Society is all about human rights, particularly the 1st amend., but what they fail to understand is freedom of speech does NOT equate to freedom of consequences.