Originally Posted by Fuzzzy
Yeah, I know. I wasn't taking a shot at you.
I have little respect for most TV weather people. Some years ago I had a friend who was a bona fide professional with the US Weather Service or whatever the correct name is. I only thought I had little respect for the TV folks. He was brutal.
No worries bro, I didn't take it that way lol.
There are these so-called "professionals" or "industry experts" in any and every field, and yet, some of the things they say never ceases to amaze me (not in a good way). For example, this is something that affects everyone:
Former Fed. Chair Ben Bernanke
01/2008: "The Fed. Reserve is not currently forecasting a recession." The Great Recession was from 12/2007 to 06/2009.
Fed. Chair Jerome Powell
12/2021: "Inflation is transitory."
06/2022: "We now understand better how little we understand about inflation."
11/2022: "We know rate hikes hurt. But we know what we're doing."
Sec. of Treasury Janet Yellen (and Former Fed. Chair)
06/2021: "I don't anticipate that inflation is going to be a problem."
06/2022: "I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take."