I took off all the ... ... Well, some of the cables off the positive battery terminal and terminated them to a 600amp (over kill) busbar. Everything is routed through a Quick Car disconnect in case my car turns into the burnanator. It took about 3hrs at the shop total to do all that was shown. I'm slow AF in the garage. Takes a bit of time to find tools, crimp wires, heat the shrink wrap, hog out the terminal leads (a tad) and bolt down the busbar. I stand there and think about possibilities because I'm not trying to drill my car a whole bunch.
I still need to ad some protection to the passthrough hole in the car... Or maybe Ill route them next to the MS3 power and signal bundle (just thought of that).
These are the items that really don't make it on to the build list, but take a chunk out of the budget. If there was a budget.