*Partial* Stillen Supercharger Kit
FOR SALE! Upgraded, Partial Stillen Supercharger Kit. This is no ordinary partial kit. This kit templates off the base Stillen 370Z/G37 Kit but has been modified for maximum performance. Engine Cover Included!!! This is a great purchase if you are looking for the key ingredients needed for more power for you Stillen kit or looking to make a custom kit layout. Be Advised however, this kit DOES NOT contain the Vortech V-3 Supercharger or the mounting brackets/pulleys. That would need to be acquired from Stillen or elsewhere if needed. Upgrades consist of…
- [ ] Chargepipe Speed Density MAF Relocation Upgrade
- [ ] FrozenBoost Type-118 Air-Water Intercooler
- [ ] Tial QRJ Bypass/Diverter Valve
- [ ] Bosch 1000cc Injectors and Connectors
- [ ] Aeromotive 340lph Stealth Fuel Pump & Install Kit
- [ ] K&N V-3 Supercharger Filter
- [ ] TRIGGASPEC Ported Lower Intake Manifold
- [ ] OEM GT-R R35 Spark Plugs
- [ ] Z1 Oil Pan Spacer
The kit will come with hoses/lines & clamps to mount the supplied components. Besides the original Stillen Supercharger Kit components, all other parts listed are brand new, never used. Do not wish to part the kit, would like to sell everything together. Asking for $3000 obo. +Shipping
~Power, Passion, & Performance... The Z Saga Continues~
Last edited by STIZ34; 12-29-2022 at 11:16 AM.
Reason: Price Drop