Right, so I goofed on the radiator location by completely forgetting about the AC condenser and the oil coolers.
Here is the re-orientation. While I did have to notch the underside of the hood for the intake to clear but the filter snakes down in front of the radiator like I wanted. The powder coat contamination was kicking my *** so of course the ugliest welds are the most visible.
It's going to get re-coated anyway. Top left cooler (barely visible) is a 7 row for the power steering, the 10 row under it is for the transmission and the large 34 row is for the engine.
Shot of the coolers through my cut up bumper. It is in bad shape and will be getting replaced but it's pretty far down on the priority list. Ducting is going to be a pain but I should be able to pull it off.
This is where I ended up putting the oil filter, it's high up and out of the way. I had the thermostat oil cooler sandwich plate from a while back so I decided to reuse it and just get a relocation mount (also Improved racing seems to have no ship date for their all in one relocation/cooler blocks)
Lastly I added a filler neck to the over flow half of the tank and a 12an bung to feed the thermostat housing from the expansion tank half. The radiator cap flange should be here this week, then I can get that stuck on and the hose from that to the over flow done. I am going to probably use some vibrant quick connect 90's for a coolant level sight tube.