Originally Posted by Z_ealot
Searched around and couldn’t find anything to do with service intervals for the part mentioned in the subject, anyone happen to know if the belt tensioner has a specific replacement interval or is it just a part that if it stops providing the correct tension then it’s time to replace? Just curious cause I noticed mine seems to not be providing the correct tension to the belt any more and the belt wear indicator on the tensioner itself, even after swapping in a new belt, stays at almost the outer limit indicator for belt wear. Already have a replacement on order, but would appreciate any input anyone can provide so I know what to watch out for as far as the tensioner goes
All that they are is a heavy duty spring trying to return to resting mode.
Depending on how far out you are in the mark will point to a tired tensioner.
As long as the belt is the same size as OEM only thing that would change this would be belt thickness. A thinner belt in size will yield a looser spec.
This is usually a working or not working item. If it holds tension it should be fine until the next belt interval.