Originally Posted by Spooler
No fuel filter on the stock car. Drive the fuel out and fill up with fresh fuel. See what happens. How old are your tires, if you had traction control on it may have cut the throttle due to traction issues. They may have been what you felt.
Ah didn't realize there was no fuel filter. My tires are about a year old. Traction control was on, but most of the time I was barely pressing the throttle when it happened (normal driving). In any case I'll try turning it off and see if there's any difference.
Another note I forgot to mention, about a month ago I drove it on the highway for about 20 miles and I went from 1/4 tank to 1/2 tank. Really strange. I had the fuel sending unit replaced under warranty about 8 years ago, wonder if it has gone bad again.. or could bad fuel cause it to flake out as well? It seems to like to stay at half tank right now even though I drove it maybe another 20 miles since, miles left in tank fluctuates from 149-153 miles.