In 2018, Nissan issued a service bulletin (ref: NTB16-115a) addressing revised front wheel alignment specifications for both the "regular grade" and "Nismo" models for years 2017 and 2018. According to the FSM chart in the bulletin, I found it interesting that the Nismo had different front wheel alignment specs (camber and caster) than the other trim levels. It was also noted that Nissan extended the range of toe to include some front toe-out for all trims. The acceptable TOTAL toe range now showed to be -0.04° (out) to 0.37° (in). That made sense, because the nominal number (0.17°), although perhaps not ideal, is pretty close to what would be 1/16" for the OE tire diameter on a 19" wheel. I digress...
The bulletin did not address any changes to the rear alignment specs. I wonder, however, if like the front, there are different rear specs for the Nismo trim as well? Does anybody know or have access to a 2017+ FSM to advise?