Originally Posted by SeeThruHead
can you do it with this display? with maybe 12 squares. with either a circle gauge or number, or circle inside number? Or even two rows.
Would be pretty great to be able to create our own gauges out of html/css/ js or something if that's possible. Maybe your server could publish a pubsub interface other code could listen to. Then I can write my own gauges for any screen.
Nice video..... but nope

The hardware I am using isn't fast enough or have enough memory for an HDMI input... that's where a Raspberry Pi fits... other than the 15-20 second boot up time every time you start the car. To me that is waaaaaaay to long for a dash/gauge to start up.
BUT there are other HMI (human machine interface) type options. In a nutshell, the HMI displays have a dedicated GPU and does all the rendering/heavy lift using very "light weight" commands from a microcontroller. The downside is the additional cost.
Now, this may be an option down the road, but I want to walk before I run.
I am also not sure how will HDMI signals work in the VERY electrically noisy environment of an automobile. From what I have seen, most video in a car is LVDS (low voltage differential signal) or GVI (gigabit video interface)
Anyways, thanks for the suggestion... I will add it to my "to investigate" list