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Old 02-03-2022, 09:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default When you don't need a front license plate anymore

So I moved to a province that doesn't require front plates. Problem is, I moved from a province that did require front plates. So what to do about the holes in my front bumper?

Leaving just the bracket on looks bad, so does leaving the holes like that. I know there are caps, but the OCD in me can't tolerate patched holes that don't serve a purpose.

The ideal situation is for those holes to never have been drilled into the bumper. Since I can't turn back time, I wanted to find the most 'factory originalish/OEMish solution for my front bumper using genuine parts and I wanted it to look at least as good as if I never had the holes drilled in the first place. I wanted it to look like it came from the factory that way.

So I ended up finding this, a stainless steel embossed Z license plate. I think these are the same plates that manufacturers use for their promo photo shoots. I got the plate here and the plate is officially licensed by Nissan:

I paired the plate with a black stainless steel Nissan slimline frame. This is a new version which has the new Nissan logo font. The part number is T99M7-6TA0B.

The finished product looks incredible and looks very Z Protoish. I found something that looks at least as good as an undrilled bumper and it sorta looks 'factory'. I love how far the Z logo sticks out of the rest of the license plate, like almost a good 1/4".

I think this is an excellent solution for anyone who finds themselves moving to a front-license plate free jurisdiction. Or someone who purchases a car from a state that required front license plates and your state does not.

Last edited by viiv; 02-03-2022 at 09:38 PM.
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