After winter hibernation, do you drive gently with the 6 month old gas?
I live in Canada, and my car hibernates from October to May.
We all know you are supposed to fill up the tank before hibernation with (ideally) ethanol free gas (and optionally use fuel stabilizer).
I was told by a Nissan service tech way back in 2019 to make sure to drive like you did during the break in period (in regards to trying to keep Rpms under 3-4k and not stressing the engine with hard acceleration) until you are able to burn off the stale 6 month old gas in the tank and refill with fresh gas.
Anyone do this or heard of this? I'm assuming the rationale is old/stale gas in a high load, high rpm situation may lead to a misfire/pre-mature detonation type scenario? With an abundance of caution, I have been doing this since I purchased my car after both the winter of 2020 and 2021.
Last edited by viiv; 01-12-2022 at 03:53 AM.