Here's a setup I came up with. This would be the second time I'd done this.
I have been running this in my car for almost two years now.
I've switched the vacuum source of my PCVs to the Evap system. I've T'd the nipple behind the Throttle flanges to receive the air from the PCV.
In my vehicle and in my engine stand I've bought some generic 90deg tubes $2 ea at autozone and put a 3/8s hose and sent it towards the back.
In that curve that it goes up there seems to be plenty of room for a catch can on both sides.
The ones in these pictures are clear because I want to monitor the amount of oil they see. In my experience the braided pool hose will darken and deteriorate faster in an engine with higher PCV contamination.
I will be testing differences in AFRs between my setup and the OEM setup since in my set up I see a bit more crank case vacuum than OEM I also see improperly distributed PCV gasses due to the new vacuum location. I'll compare between both however if there are differences then it would be really interesting to see how much could they affect AFRs and driveability.