Originally Posted by jchammond
Just order all custom HS-79 XRP fuel lines & you will completely forget about CJM’s fuel part’s prices
Plus side is; hose are true to spec (-6=3/8”id, -8=1/2”id, -10=5/8”id)
Also they can crimp -6 fittings on -8 hoses for clearance to fit twin pump hat.
And - you’ll have your name engraved on the crimp collars
Lightweight & Supple,,,kinda like the way your wallet will feel afterwards 
I actually offer XRP line upgrades for the normal fuel system kits, I just dont have them listed online. But I have their crimping equipment and stock some of their components and upgrade kits for people that want to pay the premium for it.. which isnt many. Ive sold maybe 20 XRP'd kits.