Originally Posted by Hotrodz
LMAO, My father-in-law and his wife were at my house visiting while I was away…….
Those who say having a round is dangerous need to be better trained. I really wish the IDF didn’t teach empty chamber. The amount of people that say “well the IDF carries empty chamber”
Speaking of training, I don’t have kids but I do have young nephews and nieces. Every chance I get I train them on firearms. The oldest 2 (9, 7 years old) have a standing invitation to ask to look at my guns, supervised of course, and every time we go over safe gun handling and how to properly clear the weapons we are looking at. When they get older/bigger they’ll get to shoot them. Right now the thing I’m drilling into all their heads is when they come across a gun not in the control of an adult, to run away, tell an adult and tell their parents.