Originally Posted by Maldat
Hello, Ive learnt before low kms can not always be making of a good car
check for mice and rats all over and under the car check everything ,
kms dont matter when it comes to rubber parts of a car .
Thanks for the tip, however, like I said, the car was kept in showroom condition, perfectly clean, as well as stored in a fancy garage, not a garden shed

Also, since I got it, it has been detailed and maintained in sparkling condition. It's not a daily driver and I have enough time to take care of it.
Meanwhile, time to post a few updates for the car. It's rolled over 21.000km and is ready for its winter hibernation. But, before we put him to sleep, I'll have the gallery gaskets changed, as well as a new oil and filter change.
Besides these, I also did the rear hatch weight removal, as well as the clutch pedal spring removal.
So to update the checklist:
Checklist so far:
1. Clutch slave cylinder - upgraded
2. Clutch master cylinder - upgraded
3. Steering wheel lock failure - fuse pulled out
4. Clutch pedal spring removed
5. Rear hatch weight removed
6. Switch installed for turning off VDC
7. Gallery gaskets - in progress
*Fuel pump upgrade
*Oil cooler upgrade
*Brake fluid change
Few pics since the last cleaning: