Originally Posted by Rojoryu
The suspension felt like a yacht when I started using the gator strips in turns, and the tires (Extreme Contact Sports) were starting to lose their bite. I realize my lines are not perfect and both of those issues could improve with a driver mod. That's what I'm trying to determine, upgrade now or focus on seat time.
Objectively, seat time, always. Especially given your own admission on driver mod needed. Before “upgrading”, it”ll be good to educate yourself on matching up your butt feel to whether it’s the:
spring rate
slow/high speed compression/rebound,
front or rear grip
side to side or front to rear weight transfer
sway bars
Etc etc
Subjectively, if you really just want to change up things, tinker with it, nothing wrong with that. But, get your “want vs need” sorted out so you don’t regret your purchase.