Originally Posted by redondoaveb
What did Shawn at Church's say?
He said a few things:
1) They have absolutely no records or backups and a 7 year old tune would be on an old laptop that was disposed of or failed and wouldn't be backed up anywhere (because they use 0 cloud storage, even now for their tunes. As an IT consultant, my god.. but run your biz how you wish i guess)
2) Because the tune is so old you can't modify it or reflash it anyway (confirmed by uprev, they apparently offer NO previous software versions for download, and no way to flash previous firmware version to the cable. As an IT consultant, again, my god..)
3) Suggested I try a 3rd party locksmith because apparently they never have a problem. I might have to ask him for a specific guy if he knows one, because the 2 dudes that tried to flash on my car couldn't get it to work.
4) He might be able to at least modify a g37 tune file to my rom so I can flash to stock then flash to that rom so I can at least have a car that runs until i get another custom tune. I'm right next to Stillen so I could also just get their stock SC kit tune as the same backup plan.