Originally Posted by NitroZ
I wish it was easy peasy. Took inside door panel off. Wiring. Insulated. Tied things together. No obvious rattle or anything loose. Used black silicone to help hold all the plastic buttons in place. Everything that was even remotely loose was stabilized. Its either inside the door or related to whatever moves the window up or down or something else. It sound like if you were to cups your hands together and shake two or three bottle caps. More plastic than metallic. SO annoying. 
The foam fix worked for me & it was really easy. Just remove the door panel & speaker enclosure, then I snuck my arm in (tight fit but very doable) & put a 4" piece of that round foam pipe insulation around the adjuster with the ratchet (see pics above). Then I cut about 6" off the end of a pool noodle & wedged it in between the door frame & the piece of pipe insulation (do all of this with the window up & test drive before reassembling). No removal of window or regulator required.
The rattle is gone & I don't have to drop the window slightly...just nice & quiet now. It was also super easy to replace the door stay while I was at it so now I have a nice quiet door that stays open.
ps: you will need to reset the window after completion...just roll all the way down & then all the way up holding the switch in the up position for at least 5 seconds.