Originally Posted by Spooler
Hell, I may be done permanently. Unless someone wants to step up and sponsor my racing to help out with keeping the car running, I may just throw in the towel. I do it to have fun but here lately it has been a blood sucking money pit with little enjoyment.
I’ve been following your build since the beginning bud and as a third party with no alterior motives, I think you let the black hole swallow you up and you just got too greedy.
Originally it was just a big build to make you happy to hell with the dyno numbers or trap speeds etc. but, everyone egged you on, you got a bit competitive/obsessed and you started chasing numbers.
I think you’ve found the limit on this platform and frankly your passed it by some, I mean, don’t take this the wrong way but how much did those 5 passes cost yoy per pass? I’m not saying any of this yo be a d1ck, but rather to give an outside friend’s perspective.
The whole point of this hobby, unless you get a paycheck from it, is fun and pushing YOUR goals etc, not for me, or Elmo or any jackhole on the ‘gram etc.
Figure out what you want to do, either dial the car back 100wp or so and enjoy the hell out of it for a lot less $$$ per mile, or sell and move up to a better faster starting platform. The road you’re going down now will only end up with your car broken and your wallet empty. And no one here egging you on is gonna gove you compensation go any of it. Oh, and that ego stroking fame you’ve been getting here and on social will be gone in an instant and folks will move onto whoever the new hotness is like jc or Elmo or someone else going down this road.
You’re kinda turning into a cautionary tale man, pull chute before it’s too late.