Spooler, you have done a lot to open doors for people in this community with regards to FI for the VQ. Being a trailblazer is never an easy road to walk and it should be expected that more failures will be had than success.
That being said, observationally, it seems that you are letting this whole process drain you of the passion that may have inspired this journey to begin with. It's the internet, calm down a little and enjoy your car. It's a mass produced sports car from Nissan that was never intended to push that much power. Things are gonna break, chit is gonna hit the fan and it's gonna get to you. Expect that even best laid plans aren't gonna pan out and people are gonna try and get under your skin (either intentionally or unintentionally).
I don't know you or anyone else beyond this forum, so take things with a grain of salt and ENJOY THE CAR!