Originally Posted by shadow85
Hey thank you for the lengthy insight onto the TTRS platform, I don't think I need to PM you after that post lol.
And btw, I am already on the audizine and audiworld forums lol been asking them on their about potential and costs of that platform. I think you told me more in your one post than they did over the past several weeks.
Ok, so it seems they all over on the audi forums agree with you about stage1,II, and III tunes and what they can achieve. However, lots of people from those forums disagree running e85 on a stock motor for the TTRS platform. Where did you hear it is safe? Apparantly, according to the audiforum guys, it is pretty dangerous running e85 on the stock motor, they say many have blown motors because of it.
I tried to ask why, and the only answer I have recieved thus far is because on e85, the high initial torque created using that fuel, usually bends rods on the TTRS platform according to one guy. I am baffeled by this, because I told them that on the Z platform, the Z loves e85 juice and, runs much better and more safe over pump fuel. So I find it hard to understand why it's not the same for the TTRS platform. Anyways, all good, I can worry about that later.
I’m glad I could help.
I haven’t been keeping a super close eye on the latest and greatest over on he Audi forums tbh, since it’s a hpde car, our focus is mostly on brakes (done) and suspension and weight savings. As far as power modes, we will be staying stage I or II and on pump gas 93 octane.
That said, iirc, there were some issues a little while back with Iroz’s Custom Code (CC) software tuning blowing motors. CC is more, like the name suggests, personalized custom tuning vs the more traditional bench tunes like APR, unitronic, GIAC, Revo etc. now, I don’t know if the issues were ever worked out or what exactly the problem was since stage III and e85 aren’t our main focus.
I do know that to run e85, I did forget to mention that does require iirc an upgraded lpfp, (low pressure fuel pump) and injectors but that’s not too expensive.
You’ll have to research more, but I’m pretty sure that APR and unitronic at least have safe, reliable e85 tunes, especially at the stage I or II level.
I’m willing to bet a lot of the issues arose at stage III e85. To be fair, that is really getting after it and I personally would budget for built motor and trans upgrades for longevity at that level. Also, your research is correct in that the weak point in the ttrs/rs3 motor seems to be the rods.