Took a small break Fri-Sun and went to LS Fest. I had originally wanted my Z in the event and paid for my car to be inside the event... So I drove my Juke inside the event and parked inside the main event area.
I had a few take away ideas from checking out cars. It is completely apparent that I am a lunatic building my car. 95% of the people just slap their swapped car together if it's a swap. 4% are 100 thousand dollar big budget shop builds and the last 1% are lunatics. These stats are 100% made up from my perspective, specifically pertaining to swaps. There were a lot of ultra clean OE cars with tasteful mods; but, they were all domestics. Most domestics don't get me that excited.
So now I am back to working on my stuff again, the endless struggle (might be a good car name). I plugged some of the harness. Injector plugs were gravy except for the back two plugs because they were flipped towards the inside. The plenum runners and the valve cover were so close! I honestly dodged a bullet on that one because they can't be turned toward the valve cover because the billet vent would be in the way which would mean I would have to get a different valve cover.
I tried plugging in the crank sensor but that is behind the starter. I'll just bite the bullet and drop the starter. Might as well clock the starter further away from the engine while I'm at it. That should help with cooling. I was going to run my old Fast Intentions exhaust with vbands. Plumbing was too complex and the up pipes were remade which removed available room. That's the sacrifice. My Instagram has a really cool video of the car idling with a small rev. I tagged Tony Meyerson but I'm not too sure he likes the idea of his exhaust being modified. That's just a suspicion, maybe he didn't have time to see it.
Soooooooooooooooo...... In true Greg fashion... I had an ADD moment and abruptly stopped messing with the wiring harness. I'll just write it off as time management because I wanted the rear mount heat exchanger mounted for the A2W setup. The brackets were rounded out and painted, no pictures of that. CSF provided bolts and clips for the fan to be secured. They sucked. Zip ties came in clutch for that.
Sound clip of LS3 and Fast Intentions Exhaust:

Pusher Fan Wiring

Crank sensor hiding behind the starter.

Need to pull the wiring loom 2" further. Starter plug doesn't reach.

Cam sensor plug isn't the same.

Yes, this is crooked. I had to work with the room that was there, trunk metal not flat, grommet wiring and the transcooler. Main thing... It's there