Originally Posted by Brxce
Which SPL offers 2 styles. A billet version and a tubular chromoly version, not sure of the differences between the 2. Along the lines of SPL, they offer rear traction arms (1 style), rear camber links and rear camber arms. I’m assuming they replace the same OEM part but again just differences in style for different applications and also rear sway bar endlinks. As far as the bushings go, there would be no need to buy those as they come with the other parts? Lastly,if you get the eccentric lockout kit they have available, would you still need the rear toe bolts?
Billet costs more. Might be more strength if you're absolutely beating the f out of the Z, but not worth it.
SPL sells rear camber links and arms (only difference appears to be one is billet one is not), traction arms, and mid-links - or rear toe arms if you're going divorced like JAR
The bushings they sell replace the OEM bushings on the knuckles; they do not come with the arms or links. No real need for those unless you're going whole hog.
Eccentric lockout comes with its own bolts so no need to keep OEM bolts.