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Old 02-13-2010, 10:00 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Default I have some time to kill, need some guidance

Originally Posted by shabarivas View Post

Take her line dancing next week - on the way home stop over somewhere nice and just say wanna chat about some stuff? Tell her you have been enjoying time with her and you will miss it when she moves away... drop the ball on her court and play it by ear. Just tell her what you have been telling us man... if she digs you and feels the same then go for it... Distance means nothing quite honestly...
I agree with shabarivas. Drop the ball on her court. Let her take some responsibility in this issue. I'd hate to see you go all out and show your hand without any real indication from her as to how she feels. You need to keep at least some of the power in the relationship, spilling your guts to her might make you look too needy, then she'll have all the power in the relationship. Plus, she may then see you as just a wussy boy, and you don't want that! You two should do a mutual thing here. You can start it, but she MUST contribute.

Telling her you enjoy time with her, and will miss her when she's gone is a great lead in, then see what she says to that. Seems like she'd have at least enough to say so you'll have an idea as to how she feels about you. If she likes you she'll say so. Women are strong like that.

You said she hinted at how she felt, can you be more specific?
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