Vibration Driving me Crazy
I've been searching the threads for a while trying to find my problem but was unable to. So i have a 2010 370z (automatic) and there is vibration/ shake when the rpm is around 3k-4k rpm but when you put it in neutral during the vibration/shake it goes away. in higher gears, it would happen around 1.5k - 3k rpm. took it the shop they check the driver shaft, mounts, diff bushings and nothing. the car also shakes around 60mph and up. i have z1 ploy trans mount. as far as the tires its been balanced, the alignment its good. Please help. if i cant find the problem is time to move on and sell this car ( i don't want to)
Last edited by krayon808; 07-24-2021 at 11:46 PM.