Originally Posted by old guy
Any luck on finding a new tractor? Any particular brand in mind? HP, 4x4 bucket ?
Been wanting one myself, not a need just a want  looked at a kioti and kubota. Mainly those because the dealers are close and service and parts are accessible. Also have New Holland and J Deere in the area.
I already have a Mahindra 2015 compact tractor. It is 4x4 with a front end loader. The front end loader I use all the time. I am cheap. LOL, I am want a 35 to 38 hp one with a cab, A/C, 4x4, front end loader, etc. to add to my collection. They are between 28 to 38k. So, I did what I normally do, hook up my bushog to my little mighty mouse and bushog the pasture. It was cool today. It rained on me some. I just put on a rain jacket and keep going.