Originally Posted by Tractionless
Ease of swapping depends on whether you change them correctly or just dump new pads in. Also consider every time you change pads you'll have to wait for them to re-bed to your worn in rotors which equals less stopping power. Additionally, slotted rotors make the pads dust more.
On a pure street car like both of our are I prefer to drive it and not work on it, clean it etc. and is why I made my original suggestions. 
I think he means changing the pads when they are worn, not for the sake of trying out different pads. In that case, bedding will always be required with REPLACED pads.
As I said before, 3000km on ST slotted rotors, and the dust is no more or less than the stock pads/blank rotors.
I'll report on pad wear or damage next brake pad change.